Nēnē Reclaiming Habitat!

After about seven months, the black plastic sheeting was removed today—this area is now completely free of California grass! (1st and 2nd photos) At low tide, it becomes a mudflat, and at high tide, shallow water fills the space. Water now flows between this area and the one we cleared last week (3rd and 4th photos), creating a more connected habitat. It’s a small area, but a big step forward in restoring vital wetland habitat for waterbirds. From here, water and natural elements will continue to shape the landscape. Stay tuned for what’s next!

The first visitors to the newly restored area—a family of nēnē! Only a couple of hours after the black plastic sheeting was removed, they walked across the mudflat, exploring their reclaimed habitat. About seven months ago, this area was a jungle of California grass.

約7か月の月日を経て、今日黒いプラスチックシートを撤去しました。(日本語では黒マルチという言葉があるのですね。) これで、このエリアは完全にカリフォルニアグラスのない状態になりました!(写真1と2) 干潮時には干潟となり、満潮時には浅い水が広がります。満ちると、このエリアと1週間前に開いたエリア(写真3と4)が繋がります。



1st Photo
2nd Photo
3rd Photo
4th Photo
No nēnē have been struck by traffic on Kalanianaʻole Street in Hilo since the speed limit was reduced and speed tables were installed!
Mahalo piha to Jordan Lerma of Nene Research and Conservation for advocating for traffic mitigation, to then-Council Member and now State Representative Sue Lee Loy for your support and dedication, to the Hawai‘i County Council for making it a reality, and to the Hawaii Tribune Herald for bringing awareness.
And mahalo nui to everyone who drives with caution near the Lokowaka Pond complex—your kōkua helps keep our nēnē safe!
交通対策を推進したNēnē Researchのジョーダン・ラーマさん、支援してくださった当時の郡議会議員で現在は州議会議員のスー・リー・ロイさん、情報を発信してくれた地元の新聞社Hawai‘i Tribune-Heraldに、心から感謝。

The nēnē, endemic to Hawaiʻi, is the rarest goose in the world. This video is a reminder to drive carefully and slowly near Lokowaka Pond and Kealoha Beach Park (4-mile) to help protect these treasured birds.


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