From Heartfelt Acts to Community Support From Those near and far: February’s Volunteer Days

February kicked off with World Wetlands Day on the 2nd, where countless generous supporters came together to volunteer, making the day truly memorable.

World Wetlands Day 2025
February 12th:
A lovely couple from Oregon—with a baby girl on the way—and a neighbor from the community joined us for volunteer work at Kiʻonakapahu Pond today. Five of us (yes, baby girl included!) worked hard in the sun and mud. As we restored the land, two nēnē families (one with three, one with four) came close to say hello, while four more nēnē stayed nearby. The ʻāina is feeling very happy!
February 16th:
It was an incredible day at Lokowaka! Volunteers from Washington, Alaska, and Japan joined our dedicated regulars and new community members to tackle more California grass and open up new areas of Kiʻonakapahu Pond. The teamwork, camaraderie, and laughter made the hard work feel light!
A big mahalo to Cafe Pesto Hilo Bay for the delicious pizzas, Express Waiters for the delivery, and Waiakea for keeping us hydrated—it made lunch extra special!
Grateful for every hand that helped today. Together, we are restoring and revitalizing this special place!
Café Pesto の美味しいピザ、Express Waiters による配達、そして Waiākea のお水のおかげで、特別なランチになりました。

Feb 25th:

The KHON2 crew came to film us for Travel808 today while a regular and a new volunteer from our community, along with visitors from Illinois, Michigan, and Montana, worked together to care for the ʻāina. We are so grateful for all the blessings we are receiving in our efforts for Lokowaka. None of this would have happened without Colin Nakagawa of The Seaside Restaurant —mahalo nui! And mahalo nui to everyone who has supported and inspired us along the way.
Mahalo nui to Breeani Kobayashi of Keaukaha General for the hats and spam musubi!
今日は、地元の常連メンバーに、新しい地元のボランティア、そしてイリノイ州、ミシガン州、モンタナ州からの旅行者が一緒に ʻāina(大地)を守る作業をしてくれました。 同時にKHON2のクルーが「Travel808」の撮影のために来てくれました。ロコワカのための私たちの取り組みに、たくさんの恵みがもたらされていることに心から感謝しています。これもすべて、The Seaside Restaurant のコリン・ナカガワさんのおかげです。本当にありがとうございます! そして、これまで私たちを支え、励ましてくださったすべての方々に、心からのマハロを贈ります。

Feb 27th:

Mahalo to our community volunteers and visitors from Maryland and Pennsylvania!
Today, we worked together to remove the black plastic sheetings that had been covering the piles of California grass for about three months. When first covered, the grass was green, but now it has turned brown. Volunteers then spread the dried grass evenly across the bank and recovered it with the sheetings. We’ll keep it covered until we are ready to outplant native species.
Huge appreciation to all the hands that came together to make this happen!
In the video, you see a field of California grass covering Kiʻonakapahu Pond. Over the next two years, we plan to remove it as part of our ongoing restoration efforts. We can’t wait to see this place come back to life!
We’re so grateful for all the amazing volunteers!
We remember when it was just the two of us, and now we’re fortunate to see more and more volunteers joining the effort. We want to thank both our community volunteers and visitors for their incredible support. (About 25% of our volunteers last year were visitors.) Your time, energy, and dedication to the restoration work at the Lokowaka Pond complex mean the world to us and to the ʻāina.
Thank you for being part of this journey and helping us make a difference!
最初は私たち夫婦二人だけだったのですが、今ではますます多くのボランティアの皆さんに参加していただけるようになりました。地元のボランティアの皆さんと旅行者の皆さんに心から感謝の気持ちを伝えたいです。(昨年のボランティアの約25%は旅行者の方々でした。) これからもどうぞよろしくお願いします。

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